Start your best year ever

24 supreme habits for 2024
Robin Sharma
- Rise with the sun and spend at least an hour praying, reading and running. Your days will never be the same!
- Go complaint-free for a week. [You’ll feel so much stronger and better].
- Stop focusing on the faults of people and, instead, seek to amplify their strengths. Simple idea yet practiced rarely in today’s society.
- Walk for an hour every day. Period.
- Read for an hour each evening.
- Be the most prepared person at every meeting you attend.
- Outwork everyone in your industry. Always giving your best effort breeds tremendous self-respect.
- Make deep sleep a priority. Bonus tip: the key to a superb morning routine is an excellent pre-sleep ritual (and not much good happens after 9pm so why not go to bed then?).
- Finally forgive the people who hurt you, understanding that your hurters have helped you become you.
- Do 3 scary things every 3 months in 2024.
- Work without your phone until noon each workday.
- Turn your phone off every Sunday (for the entire day). Your family deserves the best of you, yes?
- Hope for the best yet be absolutely prepared for the worst. Too slow is too late.
- Start your mornings focusing on 5 things you’re grateful for. The tone of your day will rise.
- Be the best listener in your home.
- Be the most enthusiastic student in your field.
- Develop impeccable manners.
- Go to art galleries often so that the stardust of the masters mesmerizes your consciousness. Leave your phone at home if you really want the benefit of this special habit.
- End every creative project better than you started.
- Stop being mean to yourself. You’re incredibly special.
- Stop comparing your life to other lives. Your journey is perfect for you and there’s rich wisdom in you being exactly where you’re at.
- As you produce more success, think even more like a beginner. Winning makes most people sloppy.
- Tell your loved ones you love them daily.
- Remember that your daily habits predict your lifetime results. So make them great.